Haha, wij zijn ervandoor! Salut en de kost, jullie hebben ons niet meer nodig, ChatGPT neemt Wifty over! 

Natuurlijk wilden we graag weten wat ChatGPT over Wifty te zeggen heeft. De taalrobot is getraind met een database van meer dan 300 miljard woorden en zinnen die hij oppikt uit Wikipedia, interviews, boeken, artikels, websites, online gesprekken, databanken… We kopiëren hier letterlijk wat ChatGPT over Wifty uit zijn mouw schudde. In het Engels. Dat we in 2012 gestart zijn? Ha, foutje, dachten we. Maar nee, officieel is Wifty in april 2013 gelanceerd, maar we zijn inderdaad in 2012 gestart met brainstormen en voorbereidingen. En een Twitter account? Dat waren we zelf al vergeten! Hallo ChatGPT?
ChatGPT: “Wifty is a community in Belgium that was created for women over the age of 50. The name “Wifty” is a combination of the words “women” and “fifty”. The community was founded in 2012 by two women, Hélène and Ann, who wanted to create a platform for women over 50 to connect, share experiences, and inspire each other.
Wifty is a digital community that offers a website, social media platforms, and a newsletter. The website features articles and stories about fashion, beauty, health, travel, and lifestyle, as well as interviews with inspiring women over 50. Wifty’s social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, are used to connect with members, share information, and organize events.
One of the main goals of Wifty is to challenge the stereotypes and negative perceptions of aging. The community believes that women over 50 are still vibrant, relevant, and valuable members of society. Wifty encourages its members to embrace their age and to continue living life to the fullest.

In addition to its website and social media platforms, Wifty has also published two books: “Midlife Kick” and “Not So Happy Single.” These books offer advice and inspiration for women over 50 who are navigating midlife challenges and singlehood.
One of the unique aspects of Wifty is its celebration of the sexy side of aging. The community encourages its members to embrace their sexuality and sensuality at any age. Wifty believes that women over 50 can be just as sexy and desirable as women in their 20s or 30s.
Overall, Wifty is a positive and empowering community that celebrates aging and encourages women over 50 to continue pursuing their passions, connecting with each other, and embracing all aspects of life.”
Indrukwekkend. Hadden we dat zelf beter kunnen zeggen? Daar gaan we ons even over bezinnen!
Op de foto geen robots maar Hélène en Ann in vlees en bloed!